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Why Should I Join Video Introductions?
- shouldn't I be able to find love on my own?
"Mickey says he saw singles who were wary of giving 'I'm attracted
to you messages' for fear of embarassment or rejection and didn't want to admit they needed
assistance in finding a suitable relationship. I saw so much despair in singles... many were into
the bar scene and ending up in tragic affairs for lack of better choices."
-Sarah Warnick, Daily Leger-Post Dispatch, April 1988
What's Wrong With This Relationship Picture?
We're occasionally asked why a person should
even consider using our services (much less pay for them), due to a naive belief that relationships are somehow meant to occur naturally without much effort, cost, planning or help.
Unfortunately, many people seem oblivious or resistant to using a more effective relationship process, and end up miserably alone or with the wrong person.
As a result, loneliness, suicide, jealousy, assault,
murder, unhappy marriages, a high divorce rate and a myriad of other relationship related difficulties are grim testimonials to the fallacy
of readily finding (and keeping) a compatible partner through ordinary methods.

"Norman Mickey, owner of Video Introductions and a Social Worker... self esteem and
other problems are exacerbated by being single. The highest rate of all diseases, homicides and
suicides are found among single people, he said."
-Brentwood News, Sept. 1988
Despite these realities, some singles who are quite willing to use their resources to accomplish less important objectives in life, nevertheless have reservations about the prospect of spending anything to
find a relationship in a purposeful, explicit manner. The woman who thinks nothing about
spending a great deal of money on her clothing, hair or nails in order to be more appealing,
or the man who buys an expensive car to attract the opposite sex, (indirect, ambiguous methods)
may incredulously wince at the prospect of spending anything for an introduction service,
(a direct, unambiguous method) in order to accomplish one of life's most important and difficult tasks...
finding an appropriate partner!
"...when you spot someone you'd like to meet, whether it be
at a grocery store or at a singles dance, there's no clear, mutually understandable way to
(easily determine) if that other person is interested in you. I've approached a few persons here
today and some have approached me. Yet I found it difficult to determine if there was an attraction
between us. At Video Introductions we take the confusion out of the process."
- Norman Mickey, Northern California Singles Convention, June 1989
If finding love on your own doesn't work very well, are there reasons to believe that an
introduction service will work any better? Well, when you really stop to think about it, where
else can you go where you know that
everyone is single and looking for a relationship, and where you have access to plenty of information
to help you both determine if you may be right for each other, and in a dignified manner easily determine who wants to meet you, as well as having a professional counselor available to provide relationship guidance and support?
In other situations you generally don't have a mutually understood process and a safe way (through agency monitoring, a member initiated ethics/complaint system and background checks available) to
know who is truly single, available, and likely to be a safe prospect, nor do you have a means to clearly determine if there's
reciprocal attraction between you (not to mention compatibility), in a non-intrusive fashion with a reasonable
chance of success.
"I was scared to death of failing at male-female relationships"
- Edmund Kemper, Northern California females serial killer
We offer a valuable alternative where you're not wasting your time, money and energy in outmoded,
confusing meeting rituals which often result in a high degree of frustration and rejection.
The value of a carefully selected lifetime mate is priceless, especially when you consider the
pervasive long-term effects this person will have on your life and others close to you.
In contrast, a chance meeting with someone you don't know much about can be very costly in many
ways. In addition, as a humane gesture, we offer a means for someone to join without initial
cost so that membership is not limited only to those who can afford it. Many good and desirable people may have a low income at a time in their life
when they need our program most.
"Domestic violence is the No. 1 health risk for women
between the ages of 15 and 44 Clinton said, Almost one third of the
women killed in the United States are victims of husbands, ex-husbands
or boyfriends"
- President Bill Clinton Oct. 28, 2000
With regard to the cost of our better membership plans, your membership payment allows ethical businesses
like ours to survive and compete with some others in this industry which may not adhere to our high ethical
standards or offer the kind of quality program that we've developed over more than two decades of caring, responsible, and ethical
services to singles.
"While some dating services generate as much as a million
dollars a year in revenue, others struggle... Video Introductions has acquired five
(introduction) firms in the past 4 years... Mickey says his company has never received a consumer
(agency) complaint. Video Introductions also includes an Ethics and Grievance committee...
One company, however, has drawn a barrage of criticism in the past. Great Expectations..."
- Michael Robinson, The Oakland Tribune, Sept. 1993
We hope you'll endorse our efforts by becoming a member and allow yourself to
become a part of a growing movement of singles who have opted for a more practical, efficient way of finding an appropriate partner.
"Norman Mickey of Video Introductions in Concord says people feel ashamed to ask for dating help,
even though finding a mate may be the most important thing we do in life. "America is all about independence" he says. "We think we should be self-sufficient in every way.
If we admit any deficiency in accomplishing anything, it makes us feel less self-esteem, less valued by our peers."... Let's face it,
some people will do almost anything to avoid rejection, even if it means spending their lives alone."
- James O'Brien, Diablo Magazine, Feb. 2002
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