If a member has the videotape order option listed below their photo on their Member Profile
web page, you may
purchase their video interview for home viewing by clicking the underlined link on their member profile page to make your order.
Members who are able to come to the office, can of of course review videos in the office at no cost.![]() Office produced video interviews usually range anywhere from 5 to 15 minutes in length, and may cover some things you'd like to know more about this person, in addition to the information already available on their Member Profile and Partner Compatibility Questionnaire. More importantly, in the video you see their body language, hear their tone of voice and the way they express themself and articulate statements, along with other visual and auditory information. These are important elements of attraction. If you or another member doesn't have a video on file, we'll do the videotaped interview in our office as part of any membership plan at no extra charge.
For members who don't live locally, a self-prepared video interview
can be sent to the office. A member prepared video should not give a last name or provide
phone, address or e-mail information, or any other information such as the name of an employer which could be
used to locate a person. This is for member protection. If we become aware that a video
contains this kind of information or other objectionable material, it will not be made available to other members.
A member prepared video should usually be at least 5 minutes in length and shouldn't exceed
about 15 minutes. Members may do self prepared videos either as a monologue
(discussing things about themselves, who they'd like to meet, etc.) without an interviewer,
or as a dialogue with an interviewer. On a video it's a good idea to give information about what kind of a person you are,
and avoid being overly specific about a lot of desirable qualities
(things you'd like to have) in a partner, as opposed to the necessary qualities (things you absolutely must have) in a partner.
Keep in mind that there are a lot of exceptions to most preconceived notions about who is right for you. You don't want to
eliminate someone who would otherwise have been good for you, simply because you were unduly restrictive with
idealistic and unrealistic standards for a partner. |