All that glitters and attracts...
We are a society fixated on appearances. For most of us, appearance governs many of our preferences and choices. However the seductive lure of an attractively packaged item leads to disappointment when we find inside something different than the outside enticement led us to expect. Nevertheless many of us continue to make decisions about some very important things based largely on appearance and superficial perception. From judgments we make about voting for a political candidate to deciding the fate of a defendant on trial, appearance is too often a major factor in our decision.The problem is compounded when something we want is scarce. The law of supply and demand increases competition
for a prized object. Meanwhile items in greater supply are devalued, overlooked or taken for
granted. In the dating world the prize for many is the physically desirable person - the gorgeous,
shapely, young woman or the tall, handsome man with the appearance of success. Many of us are too
busy focusing on the 10% who have the most desirable physical attributes to pay much
attention to the 90% who don't. Of course catching a trophy wife or husband is very
unlikely due to their short supply. Nevertheless, some persons focus exclusively on these
relationship candidates, seemingly blind to their own shortcomings, and unwilling
to consider the other possibilities available. Of course this scarcity, by its very definition, leaves some persons continually frustrated in their efforts.
Other persons approach this issue by attempting to improve their own appearance through makeovers, clothing, exercise, diet and even surgery, on the
premise that having a beautiful face or displaying a fabulous body will bring relationship happiness.
Of course for many persons, healthy physical self-improvement is a step in the right direction, especially since most
Americans adults are now overweight.
However, a person who relies only upon superficial physical attraction as a means to an end is less
prone to develop or appreciate the inner qualities which make for lasting relationship happiness.
Eventually age, injury or disease takes away much of our physical attractiveness and we must then
value and depend on what is really important.
Do we give equal thought to how character, personality and values serve to attract and retain
a relationship? Do these qualities draw people to you or drive them away? Which of you stops to think ... maybe I need to work on my character, reassess my
values, or change certain attitudes or behavior as a means of becoming a more attractive and
desirable person ... or are all your efforts focused on external concerns. Our role at Video
Introductions is to help you understand that relationship happiness is often an inside
job. We also want to increase your awareness of any self-limiting relationship prerequisites.
Do persons with exacting standards for others ever pause to realize that their own rigid partner
specification requirements is a self-imposed cause of a lack of "acceptable" relationship
candidates? There are desirable exceptions to most preconceived notions about who is right for
you, and many preconceived notions don't make much sense in the final analysis.
At Video Introductions we attempt to give you opportunities to approach relationships
differently. One of the tools we provide is a compatibility testing process. Moreover, we have
set up this process so that you may choose to approach the task of finding an appropriate partner
from an entirely different perspective than you're accustomed to. We suggest that you first
find who may be right for you from the standpoint of compatibility before
attempting to judge what they look like. This will eliminate a lot of unproductive effort on your
part. In other words, instead of the usual approach of spotting someone you're attracted to
and then having to determine if there's compatibility, your compatibility questionnaire
queries will reverse the process by first directing you to persons who you're likely to be
compatible with and then allowing you to determine if you're visually attracted to them.
This simple reversal of the order of the typical relationship approach can work wonders in
finding yourself attracted to persons that you might have otherwise passed over. If you're on a
membership plan with compatibility search privileges, we encourage you to use this practical shortcut
to romance.
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Copyright ©1977-2017 Norman Mickey. All Rights Reserved.
Elements, graphics, content, textual representations, video, and audio may NOT
be reproduced, borrowed, or linked without the expressed written permission of
Norman Mickey and Video Introductions.